AADC, Her, and Supersymmetry

Yesterday's social media was a blast by the return of AADC (Ada Apa Dengan Cinta) mini drama. Indeed, the campaign strategy of that Japanese owned social media platform is undoubtedly great. The casts and their deep character bring back the so called teenage memory 12 year ago.

Despite various joke (from Bekasi jokes to the doubt of the uses of that soc-med platform in America), AADC "commercial" brings the notion of technology and human in this modern world. Technology here portrays its great side. It connects people across the continent. It connects Cinta and Rangga who were surprisingly lost contact in their 12 years. (While I remember Rangga told Cinta that he would be back in one full moon: puisi Untuk Perempuan, ouchhh). Technology brings two people in different places together into one symmetry of their imagination.

The effect of technology is so addictive and contagious. The symmetry created in human life by technology is later not only occurred between people, but with technology itself. For me, the movie "Her" is the best in portraying human-technology relation in modern-satire world. Awarded as Best Original Screenplay in 2013 Oscar, the movie was set up in future Los Angeles. In search of love and compassion, the future human depend themselves on technology. The job of Theodore Twombly as digital greeting-card writer and "Samantha" as the clever intelligence operating system show the satire of lesser human to human contact. The effect of technology is so great, it brings life a lot easier (and happier).

Despite of the movie's beautiful pictures (I adore the pastel-pink tone of color in this movie), "Her" is a reflective project. Since future life is summed up to be more individualistic and ignorant, the "Samantha" presents herself as a friend and lover Theodore longing for. I give good credit to Spike Jonze as director and script-writer, Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson for their adorable and heartbreaking stories. Technology here brings a supersymmetry*, not only between two people in different places, but between two "souls" in different spaces. Reflected by Arcade Fire, "I know you live in my mind. It's not the same as being alive, supersymmetry.

In "Her", technology shows that people bear to be alone, but they can not fancy to be lonely. "Samantha" was great along with technology development, but she also grew with it. As soon the new OS is built, she changes into another one, and might also fall in love with the other 641s. It turns out that supersymmetry of Thedore and Samantha did not last. It is the real world that actually did. While in AADC, although Cinta and Rangga seems happy with their career and surrounded friends, it is technology that brings their longing memories together. Technology finally turns the imaginary supersymmetry into the real one on one, human to human contact, a real symmetry

*According to Wikipedia, supersymmetry (in particle physics) is a proposed extension of spacetime symmetry that related two basic classed of elementary particles: bosons, which have an integer-valued spin, and fermions, which have a half-integer spin.


Aini Wulan said…
I think I need to watch 'Her'! Hehehe ;)
petikdua said…
"Her" and "AADC", what a great and creative idea for movie review ^^
Great review Sinta! Can't wait for your another stellar thought :)