In 2015 The Bullet Wasn't Shy*
"By now, resolution is aching. I failed for my own game. A game for all to shame."
(SORE - In 1997 The bullet Was Shy)
For me, those lyrics expressed a contemplation of life. How sometimes we surrendered to a hypothetical conclusion we've made ourselves. Fortunately, the bullet was shy to SORE's Ade Paloh. But in this very beginning of 2015, we've seen how the bullet(s) was not shy at all, particularly in France's Charlie Hebdo. And, let's not forget also about what happened last year in Paniai, Papua.
Identity. A word with vague and multi-interpretation. Is it something that attached since we were born? Or is it something created, constructed and thus often overlapped (or conflicted) with others? I would argue that identity covers all of that. Identity may be a deeper form of culture, covers such tangible look (sex, race, ethnicity, etc) and also the non-tangibles (beliefs, lifestyle, religion, etc).
Patricia Goff and Kevin Dunn in "Identity and Global Politics: Empirical and Theoretical Elaborations" (2004) argue that identity reflects four major aspects: alterity, fluidity, constructedness and multiplicity. Alterity covers the perception and interaction between self and other in identity. Thus, identity is not merely reflected as “othering” the differences, while group inclusion also tends to subordinate the others. Fluidity goes as an intersection between a pre-determined and constructed identity. Constructedness explains a discursive space in identity itself, while multiplicity states that identity is rather a multidimensional than singular object. Given the explanation, identities are sometimes organized hierarchically, one may lead and leave the other behind.
Charlie Hebdo incident portrays how identities may clash, one with another. In this case, the clash appeared between the French satire culture vis a vis religious identity. We haven't known the motives, so leave the judgement behind. But in this regard, religion shows that it could be a vitamin and opium at the same time. It has such powerful effect in constructing opinion. It may become a leading identity towards the others embodied in human. Furthermore, it also sometimes become a subordinating factor of one group towards the other.
Religion as an identity attached to human never goes wrong. I believe that religion is a form of communication between human and their world, covering the micro and macro World. Many may attached to particular identity, but some may not. But violence may hurt the nobility of religion. And a bullet will never be the answer.
"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind." (Gandhi)
*The post title is inspired by SORE's In 1997 The Bullet Was Shy
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Photo credits to Orgulloy Satifaccion |