Free Your Mind

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As the second month of 2014 is approaching, the universe showed her own ways for me to make peace, at least with myself. The new semester began, pile of interesting readings are waiting, and maybe such unpopular choice has been made. This journey leads me to be nothing but grateful for what happened for me already, and for things that happened to family and friends surroundings, the good things. 

Free your mind. My mother once said, "why you're complaining, each person has their own karmaphala." It stroke me, I know that I complained a lot back then, and irritated myself from such good things which is already in front of me. For we always complain that what we have are nothing compared to what we did, everything takes time. Karmaphala is not always getting the fruit right away after you plant the tree. It takes time, and maybe another life ahead to pick the ripe fruits. As Loretta Inman said, deeds of love bring bliss untold; peaceful mind can also bring a divined freedom.

Free your mind. For whatever people said about your life choices, it is your own life facing right in front of you. You are what you chose. Some people enjoy pursuing their career at multinational companies, some enjoy their idealism as activists, some might enjoy their career at government, some are back to school; try to re-invent themselves (that's me by the way, hi.), and some are lucky enough to find their soulmates in such young age. There's nothing wrong with whatever the choices they made for. And, judging is killing, that's what I've learnt. 

Free your mind. Absorb the good energy, knowledge, sciences found in books, presentation, class or anything that brings you to the unfamiliar things. In this matter I will quote (to myself) my favorite Kings of Convenience, "Don't look (only) for what we know. Freedom never greater than its owner, freedom is the mastery of the known." So not only the international are important, the local matters, in fact really matters. Military and economics are significant, yet so are gender equality, environment, health issue, multicultural understanding, and identities. Absorb them, as Magnussen said that knowing is owning. 

Free your mind, for something you believe can bring you to a beautiful place, land of compassion and passion. Free your mind, for the good and bad things people talked in front of and behind you. Free your mind, for sometimes we need to close our eyes to look deep into our soul. 

Free your mind, and (hopefully) the rest will follow. 

*written after an inspiring class today.
