Cocoon - Jack Johnson
based on your smile
im betting all of this might be over soon
but youre bound to win
because if im betting against you, i think id rather lose
but this is all that i have, so please
take whats left of this heart, and use
please use only what you really need
you know i only have so little, so please
mend your broken heart and leave
i know its not your style
and i can tell by the way that you move its real real soon
but im on your side
and i dont want to be your regret, id rather be your cocoon
but this is all that you have, so please
let me take whats left of your heart, and i will use
i swear ill use only what i need
i know you only have so little, so please
let me mend my broken heart
you said this was all you have
and its all i need
but blah blah blah
because it fell apart
i guess its all you knew
and all i had
but now we have
only confused hearts
i guess all we have
is really all we need
so please
lets take these broken hearts, and use
lets use only what we really need
you know we only have so little, so please
take these broken hearts and leave
*Dapet lagu ini dari seorang teman. Bagus ya ternyata liriknya. Oia, saya tadi ketemu orang yang punya segudang kesibukan, kerja, kuliah pula, ikut banyak organisasi dan dia jadi bagian-bagian penting di sana. Tapi, walopun tadi saya liat matanya merah (pasti karena kurang tidur),dia tetep semangat buat "berkegiatan" hari ini. Saya gak mbayangkan kalo jadi dia. Dapet jurnal kayak gini aja udah ngeluh, kayak orang paling capek sedunia (lebay), padahal dia jauh lebih sibuk dari saya, tapi tetep pintar akademiknya, trus berdedikasi buat organisasinya. Hebat ya. Saya aja sering males ngerjain tugas, sering nunda-nunda, lebih milih tidur daripada doing something..:P
good night..:))
im betting all of this might be over soon
but youre bound to win
because if im betting against you, i think id rather lose
but this is all that i have, so please
take whats left of this heart, and use
please use only what you really need
you know i only have so little, so please
mend your broken heart and leave
i know its not your style
and i can tell by the way that you move its real real soon
but im on your side
and i dont want to be your regret, id rather be your cocoon
but this is all that you have, so please
let me take whats left of your heart, and i will use
i swear ill use only what i need
i know you only have so little, so please
let me mend my broken heart
you said this was all you have
and its all i need
but blah blah blah
because it fell apart
i guess its all you knew
and all i had
but now we have
only confused hearts
i guess all we have
is really all we need
so please
lets take these broken hearts, and use
lets use only what we really need
you know we only have so little, so please
take these broken hearts and leave
*Dapet lagu ini dari seorang teman. Bagus ya ternyata liriknya. Oia, saya tadi ketemu orang yang punya segudang kesibukan, kerja, kuliah pula, ikut banyak organisasi dan dia jadi bagian-bagian penting di sana. Tapi, walopun tadi saya liat matanya merah (pasti karena kurang tidur),dia tetep semangat buat "berkegiatan" hari ini. Saya gak mbayangkan kalo jadi dia. Dapet jurnal kayak gini aja udah ngeluh, kayak orang paling capek sedunia (lebay), padahal dia jauh lebih sibuk dari saya, tapi tetep pintar akademiknya, trus berdedikasi buat organisasinya. Hebat ya. Saya aja sering males ngerjain tugas, sering nunda-nunda, lebih milih tidur daripada doing something..:P
good night..:))